Mass circumcision of 1000 participants. PP Assalam Kubar 2017. [Barong Tongkok. Kubar. 25 – 26 March 2017] Hundreds of mass circumcision participants and their families accompanying them began to arrive until late afternoon on mining company buses from Melak Harbor, 11 km from the Islamic boarding school. They came from Bongan village, Jambuk Prosperous subdistrict, Bentian Besar, and Kruing village, Bentian subdistrict. Bulan Manor, Pringtali and Peninggir after traveling about 6 hours by land and along the Mahakam river by wooden boat. They got a schedule on the first day so they had to come early because the circumcision procession would take place the next morning. The committee prepared a schedule for 600 participants to be circumcised on the first day and the remaining 424 from areas around Barong Tongkok sub-district such as: Muara Lawa, Muara Pahu, Damai and other sub-districts for the smooth running of doctors' work and ceremonial events. The group continued to arrive until evening. They were accommodated in three classrooms and a mosque room that had been prepared by the committee. Participants came from 155 villages in 16 sub-districts of Kubar Regency. The youngest participant was 3.5 years old and the adult was 74 years old. Of the 1024 registered participants, 260 of them were non-Muslims, predominantly teenagers and adults for health reasons and had orders in their religious teachings. Even Saprudin 54 years old from Muara Jawa sub-district Manor Bulan, Chairman of the Catholic Church's Witness Council participated in the circumcision with his two sons and the Adventist Church Pastor, Sugiono was also present to take some of his congregation to the Assalam boarding school to participate in the circumcision. The circumcision procession was carried out by 36 doctors assisted by 60 medical teams from hospitals and a number of health centers in Kubar which were coordinated by Doctor Waluyo. Everything is free, including shuttle transportation costs borne by the committee. They even received gifts in the form of a set of prayer equipment in the form of a sarong, koko shirt, peci and al-Qur'an. At this 6th mass circumcision event, the committee was assisted by a number of donors from national and local social and religious institutions. Mining companies, local governments and individuals. Among them is LMI [infaq management institution]. MCI [Indonesian Muslim Center]. Bank Kaltim. BDI Total. BWA [Quran waqf body]. PAMA, Telkomsel, Good People We Can .com and many more contributed morally and materially to this social da'wah event. Dozens of participants from Tanjung Soke failed to reach the location and were forced to return because of the rough, hostile terrain. Nearly one kilometer of the dirt road was badly damaged by the rainy weather and trucks carrying palm fruit and was impassable even to a double axle car.
The event was opened by the caretaker and head of the Assalam boarding school, KH Arif Heri Setiawan. Next were remarks from the chairman of the DKI Provincial FKUBI [Indonesian religious harmony forum] KH Echa Abdullah. Head of the Kubar Health Office, Aliman Skes. Chairman of LMI and MCI East Java, Mr. Heru Agung. The event was also enlivened by male and female students with hadroh music and traditional Dayak dances. On the second day there was a religious sermon by Ustazd Harpiyanto from Jogya and closed by the Regent of Kubar FX Yapan who represented his message to the Head of the Health Service, Aliman Skes. The entire series of events was covered by several national and local media. Among them: RRI – TVRI – i TV – Tvone – TransTV – daily Kaltim Post etc. [Julie Kendall]

Santri Assalam Unjuk Kreativitas dalam Pentas Seni & Pembagian Sertifikat Bakat Minat
Pondok Pesantren Assalam kembali menggelar Pentas Seni &