
Assalam Santri Field Trip

From 12 to 16 May, class IX students at MTs Assalam held a field trip full of educational activities in various locations. This activity was held as a special post-exam program to provide a different learning experience for the students.

This five-day journey begins with in-depth journalism learning. Students are invited to understand the basics of journalism, news writing techniques and journalistic ethics. This activity aims to broaden their insight into the world of media and communication.

On the second day, the students learned to garden on an agricultural land. Here, they learn farming techniques, plant maintenance, and the importance of sustainable agriculture. This activity is expected to foster a sense of love for the environment and the natural surroundings.

On the third day, the students visited the Baznas office in Kubar to attend counseling about the role and function of Baznas in managing zakat. They were given insight into the importance of zakat and how Baznas plays a role in helping people in need.

Next, the students were invited to a tofu and tempeh factory to learn the process of making these two foods. They saw firsthand how tofu and tempeh are produced, from raw materials to finished products that are ready to be consumed. This activity provides an understanding of the local food industry and the importance of innovation in small and medium businesses.

On the fourth day, they learned about light vehicle automotive at one of the large workshops in Barong Tongkok. Here, students are given the opportunity to learn the basics of vehicle maintenance and repair. This provides practical insights that will be very useful for them in the future.

The highlight of this field trip was the outbound activity held at KODIM 0912/KBR on the last day. In this activity, students are taught about discipline and love of the country through various physical activities and educational games. This activity not only strengthens physical fitness, but also instills a spirit of patriotism and teamwork among the students.

During these five days, MTs Assalam students not only gained new experiences outside the classroom, but also useful knowledge and various practical skills. It is hoped that this field trip will be a useful provision for them in the future.
