Madrasah Subulussalam celebrates the commemoration of the Isra' Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad SAW at the Assalam Islamic Boarding School. This activity began solemnly, with the reading of the holy verses of the Koran, followed by a series of prayers led by the Hadhroh Al-Muhibbin group and all male and female students. The event then continued with a religious lecture delivered by KH. Anas Yudiarso, Deputy Head of the Assalam Islamic Boarding School. The lecture provided insight and deep understanding of the meaning and wisdom of the Isra' Mi'raj event.
The highlight of the event was closed with a joint prayer led by KH. Arief Heri Setyawan, Leader and Caregiver of the Assalam Islamic Boarding School. This prayer hopes for blessings and mercy from Allah SWT and asks that all participants can become better people in living their daily lives. This activity not only strengthens religious ties between participants, but also inspires them to practice the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in their daily lives.