History of the Assalam Islamic Boarding School

In August 1991, the Indonesian Ulema Council of East Kalimantan Province appointed KH. Arief Heri Setyawan as Development Da'i for Barong Tongkok District in Kutai Regency (now West Kutai Regency), which is located in the interior of Ulu Mahakam. This is stated in Decree No. 30 / MUI-KT / VII / 1991 / 1412 H, which was issued on 6 Muharram 1412 H or 18 July 1991. At that time, his duties started from the old Army dormitory, which had suffered serious damage, with destroyed walls and a damaged roof. leaking.

Despite facing difficult conditions, his enthusiasm for carrying out his da'wah duties remained burning. KH. Arief visits villages every day,

door to door, to convey the message of Islamic da'wah. Every afternoon, he returns to the dormitory bringing children who want to learn and learn more about the Islamic religion. This went on for about a year.

Unexpectedly, in the midst of busy teaching students, a military official, Danramil Barong Tongkok District, issued an ultimatum for KH. Arief and the students moved from the dormitory. KH. Arief Heri Setyawan accepted the ultimatum with the intention of avoiding open confrontation and bigger problems. This incident attracted the attention of local media, such as the Meranti Newspaper and Suara Kaltim, as well as being in the spotlight of the Samarinda Korem.

door to door, to convey the message of Islamic da'wah. Every afternoon, he returns to the dormitory bringing children who want to learn and learn more about the Islamic religion. This went on for about a year.

Tidak terduga, di tengah kesibukan pengajaran santri, seorang pejabat militer, Danramil Kecamatan Barong Tongkok, mengeluarkan ultimatum agar KH. Arief dan santri pindah dari asrama tersebut. KH. Arief  Heri Setyawan menerima ultimatum tersebut dengan maksud untuk menghindari konfrontasi terbuka dan permasalahan yang lebih besar. Peristiwa ini menarik perhatian media lokal, seperti Koran Meranti dan Suara Kaltim, serta menjadi sorotan Korem Samarinda.

However, thanks to the support and assistance of several village communities who supported Ustaz Arief's efforts, they offered waqf land that was different in terms of location and size. With the blessing and grace of Allah SWT, the Assalam Islamic Boarding School was finally established in the midst of a community that was predominantly non-Muslim. Initially, this Islamic boarding school was located 5 km from the main road in Kampung Barong Tongkok, and the land was part of the Trans Arya Kemuning allocation in 1965. Part of this land had been abandoned by the residents, had never been cultivated before, and was still in a swampy condition.

In the spirit of mutual cooperation, they cleared the forest and land manually. Within one week, they managed to build a simple building with a palm leaf roof (although it was vulnerable to wind, dirt and rainwater),

using leftover boards that are not used by wood sellers as building materials. This first Islamic boarding school measures 8 x 8 meters and functions as a dormitory for four students and two teachers. This initial situation lasted for about 1.5 years.

As time goes by, in accordance with the laws of nature which always demand change, the condition of human resources (HR) and natural resources (SDA) of the Assalam Islamic Boarding School continues to develop until it reaches the stage we see today.

Alhamdulillah, all of this is nothing but an immeasurable pleasure bestowed by Him as proof of the truth of His promise, that Allah SWT will help His servants who truly want to help His religion.

“Indeed, Allah will surely help those who help His (religion). Indeed, Allah is truly All-Powerful, All-Mighty." (fragment of QS. Al-Hajj: 40)